New Years Eve Rituals

Here are some rituals I like to perform leading up to the New Year.

New Years Eve is a great time to reflect on the current year and to get intentional about the year ahead.

You will need:

  1. Moonstone
  2. Pen and paper
  3. Sage
  4. Candle (something to light the candle with)
  5. Fireproof bowl (saucepan)

Reflect & Release Ritual:

With Moonstone by your side ask yourself the following questions and write down your answers:

  • What do you want to achieve in the New year? (Resolutions/goals)
  • What needs to change in your attitude/behaviours/environment to make your goals happen?
  • What obstacles and self sabotage might occur? And how should you overcome them?
  • What mistakes did you make in the current year?
  • What regrets do you have for the current year?
  • What lessons showed up for you in the current year?
  • Look back on the current year, what are you grateful for?
  • What nice things will you do for yourself in the New Year?
  • To ensure you don’t have the same regrets/make the same mistakes, how can you ensure that you take time to reflect on your goals and track progression during the New year?

Once you have written down your answers, take a picture of the paper on your phone.

Light the candle and go outside. Use the candle to set the piece of paper a light and drop the paper into the fireproof bowl. (If you can’t do this, instead, rip the paper into lots of tiny little pieces and watch them float into the bin)

Watch the mesmerising flame burn through the paper (or see the paper floating), as you watch, feel a huge relief in letting go of the current year.  Feel calm, at ease and at peace.

Know that everything that didn’t serve you in the current year is being let go. You’re not carrying those wounds with you into the New Year. Likewise, your intentions for the New Year have been released into the quantum field of endless possibilities. 

Blow out your candle and say “It is done!”

Use the picture on your phone to remind yourself of your goals for the New Year when you need to. 

Now you’re set for your new beginning, it’s time to reset your house…

Smudge Away Ritual: 

It’s time to clear out all the old energy to make space for all the new energy that’s coming. As you perform this ritual, feel excitement and anticipation for you know you’re closing a chapter and a new one is beginning.

  • Go back inside and open the windows. 
  • Light your sage (ensure you use a bowl to catch the ash)
  • Start at the front door of your home and work your way through all the rooms.
  • Focus on the intention of banishing all negative energy and creating space for love, light and peaceful energy.
  • Once all rooms have been cleansed, safely extinguish the sage.
  • Leave your windows open for a further 15 minutes. 
  • Take a moment to appreciate the fresh feeling of your home.

Your home is no longer harbouring low vibe energy, it is reset and ready to be filled with your fabulous energy for the New Year. 

Feel free to tag me in your IG stories (@spiritikig) performing these rituals. I would very much love to see!

Happy New Year! I’m wishing you health, wealth and happiness for the New year and always. 

Amy x

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