How to use your planner:

  1. Cleanse your stone

Moonlight, Sunlight, Earth, Sound, Water, Rice, Intention, Sage.  Click here for more information on cleansing your stone, in particular, what cleansing method is most appropriate for your particular crystal. 

This can be the night before you plan to set your intention and programme your crystal if you plan to use moonlight as the cleansing technique.

  1. Relax

The more relaxed you are the better! It is recommended to do something that makes you unwind and relax leading up to the moments you plan to program your crystal. Perhaps a bath, meditation or a few body stretches.  Once relaxed, hold the crystal in your dominant hand, close your eyes and quiet your mind for a couple of minutes. This will help to bond you to the crystal and for it to recognise your energy field. 

  1. Read and absorb the provided crystal information for the topic outlined
  2. Spend a few minutes thinking about yourself in relation to the topic 

What can you relate to? How do you see yourself in relation to the topic? What do you need to do more or less of? What do you need help with in relation to the topic? How do you want to feel? What do you want to know? What do you want to change?

  1. Write down your intention 

Be specific, clear and concise. A few lines or less is recommended. Be considerate and meaningful. 

In order to gain clarity over your intention, it might help to use the SMART technique. Click here for examples of SMART intentions. 

  1. Programme your crystal 

Say out loud or in your head whilst holding your crystal what its job is. The crystal will hold your intention and vibrate it throughout the universe and the limitless field of potential. 

  1. Visualise living out your intention 

See yourself doing what you desire. Feeling what you desire. How you look. How you interact. Embody those feelings as if you are feeling them right now.

  1. Write down your affirmation 

Affirmations are phrases that affirm something you want in life. Affirmations (or mantras/quotes) help to bring positive and manifesting statements that focus your mind on what you want to achieve.

  1. Keep your crystal on you or near you throughout each day 

Keeping your crystal near you will act as a reminder of your purpose for it and allow for its energy to react with yours to serve your purpose. 

  1. Repeat your intentions three times a day and your affirmation in between that for also three times

Repeating your intentions and affirmations will help to reaffirm what you want, increase your belief and let your burning desire sink in past your mind and into your subconscious. 

Step summary:

  1. Cleanse your stone
  2. Relax
  3. Read and absorb the provided crystal information for the topic outlined
  4. Spend a few minutes thinking about yourself in relation to the topic 
  5. Write down your intention 
  6. Programme your crystal 
  7. Visualise living out your intention 
  8. Write down your affirmation 
  9. Keep your crystal on you or near you throughout each day 
  10. Read your intentions and your affirmation several times throughout each day
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