How to deeply programme your crystals

  • Relax

When you’re relaxed you will be able to easily emit your natural energy and that allows your crystal to read your energy and better understand your purpose for it.

Perhaps complete a short meditation, soak in a bath or read a book.

  • Reflect

Reflecting will help you to gain a deeper understanding of what you truly need and in turn, allow you to articulate your intention with pure clarity.

Ask yourself “What do I need more of in my life?”, “What do I need less of in my life?”, “How do I want to feel?” or “What isn’t working for my highest good?”

  • Write

Now you have spent time reflecting, you are clearer on what your intention is. In a simple sentence or two, write out your intention.

For example, ‘I will work together with this crystal to achieve a positive outlook; I will always see the positives in situations’.

  • Connect

Spend some time holding your crystal and admiring it. This enables you to infuse the crystal with your energy. Holding your crystal will help you to bond to your crystal and will allow for your crystal to recognise your energy field.

  • Visualise

Whilst holding your crystal, visualise yourself achieving your intention. See yourself doing what you desire and feeling what you desire. Embody those feelings as if you are feeling them right now.

  • Programme

Say out loud, or in your head, whilst holding your crystal, what its job is. Recite your intention to it.

Express your faith in the crystal and hold the feeling of knowing it absolutely will help you.

The crystal will hold your intention and vibrate it throughout the universe and limitless field of potential.

The steps above really help me get into the zone. However, if they don’t feel right for you, do what does feel right. It is important that you are comfortable when working with your crystals. So if you need to tweak these steps and programme your crystals in a way that feels more you, then please do. With that said, try not to take too many shortcuts; because you might not align your energy enough for it to be directed correctly.

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