Common reasons why you are not achieving your intentions

There are some common reasons why you’re not achieving your intentions.

Skipping some of these steps could be the reasons why.

If you want to further cement the power going into your intention then follow these 6 steps.

  1. Cleanse – Prior to programming your crystal make sure you reset it to its neutral state. Remove the previous programme and any unhelpful energy that it has absorbed.
  • 2. Reflect – Reflecting will help you to gain a deeper understanding of what you really want. Once you wholeheartedly know, you will be able to articulate your intention with pure clarity.
  • 3. Programme – say out loud or in your head whilst holding your crystal, what its job is. Recite your intention to it. Express your faith in the crystal and hold the feeling of knowing it will help you. The crystal will hold your intention and vibrate it throughout the universe and the limitless field of potential.
  • 4. Action – taking small actions means you’re taking steps in the right direction. You’re saying “look at me, I’m serious about my intention, I’m doing something about it and I’m ready and open to receive it”.
  • 5. Connection –Keep the crystal with you to let the energy of the crystal influence your energy; to give you the shift required to achieve your intention. Keeping it with you will connect you and influence your energy. Keep it in your pocket or wear the crystal as jewellery. Keep it with you daily for a minimum of a week.
  • 6. Gratitude – Express gratitude by saying thank you to your crystal for helping you. Raise your vibe through feeling grateful; think of 1 to 3 things a night that you are thankful for. Raising your vibe will reduce resistance and increase alignment between your energy and that which you seek.

Let me know what works for you by sharing your tips in the comments.

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