
yoga, chakras, symbol-6513344.jpg

What are chakras?

Chakras and chakra healing is a vast subject. Below I have provided a small and simplified overview to help you gain a basic understanding for the purpose of using your crystals to balance your chakras. Chakras Explained Chakras are the main energy centres of the body. There are many chakras but the main seven often […]

What are chakras?

How to use your planner:

Cleanse your stone Moonlight, Sunlight, Earth, Sound, Water, Rice, Intention, Sage.  Click here for more information on cleansing your stone, in particular, what cleansing method is most appropriate for your particular crystal.  This can be the night before you plan to set your intention and programme your crystal if you plan to use moonlight as

How to use your planner:

Cleansing your crystals

It is important to cleanse any newly received crystals, crystals you already have that you havenโ€™t used for a long time and also crystals that you have a new or different intention for.   Newly received crystals have come into contact with energies before yours. Other people have been around them and touched them. As

Cleansing your crystals

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