A guide to placing crystals in your home

A guide to placing crystals in your home


Black Tourmaline – EMF protection

The growing Electromagnetic fields (EMF) caused by mobiles, computers, and microwaves can lead to electrical sensitivity. Placing Black Tourmaline near them will help to shield you from the Electromagnetic radiation emitted by them.

Fluorite – Focus

Rainbow Fluorite strengthens your focus which prevents you from being distracted, helps you to build momentum and therefore achieve things in a timely manner. Rainbow Fluorite will help you to concentrate on your work and minimise procrastination.

Citrine – Success

When working on your goals, place Citrine nearby because it oozes success vibes. It is believed to bestow energies of generosities. It is an acquisition stone; it acquires your desired intent.  If you want to be successful at work or on a project you’re working on, then place it on your desk.

Home Gym –

If you have a dedicated work out space at home, place these crystals in them.

Carnelian – Motivation

Carnelian is known to be the stone of motivation with its stimulating and energising properties.  It is full of high energy, restores your vitality and inspires motivation. Carnelian activates your drive for taking action. It has a boosting force that helps you to move forward which will help you to exercise.

Red Jasper – Willpower

Red Jasper is the perfect aid to boost your willpower for it stimulates resilience, vitality and dedication. Red Jasper empowers you to have control over yourself and your conduct by surfacing your inner strength to resist any temptations that go against what you’re willing yourself to achieve. Place Red Jasper in your gym to overcome impulses and to stay dedicated to your fitness regime.


Red jasper – Muscle repair

Red Jasper is believed to detoxify your blood and eliminate blockages of the liver and bile ducts. It also helps to generate muscle tissue which is beneficial if you weight lift. Red Jasper is beneficial in easing the symptoms of Anemia and general exhaustion. Place Red Jasper on your bath and let its rejuvenating energy wash over you.

Clear Quartz – Health

Clear Quartz is known as the “master healer”, it can heal any condition it is needed for and is the perfect cleansing stone for your overall well-being. For an overall well-being cleanse, place Clear Quartz on your bath and know that when you shower or bath you’re cleansing away unhealthy impurities and restoring your health.


Rhodochrosite – Self-love

Rhodochrosite is a stone of compassion that encourages you to love yourself. It focuses your energies inwards and inspires you to take care of yourself, listen to your body and prioritise yourself. Place Rhodochrosite on your dressing table or by your mirror and when you’re getting ready, remember to take a moment to appreciate yourself and love yourself.

Amethyst – Calm

Amethyst has a tranquilising energy which helps to calm your emotions and over-active thoughts.. Due to its tranquil frequency it provides great assistance if you suffer with insomnia. It is a popular stone for helping you to switch off and fall asleep. Place it near your bed to feel its calming energies.

Celestite – Dreams

Celestite stimulates both vivid and lucid dreams. Celestite also enhances dream recall and provides an improved ability to interpret your dreams. Celestite offers peaceful energy that reduces nightmares and sleep disruption. Celestite also promotes astral travel.  Place Celestite near your bed for better dreams.

Dining room

Moldavite – Open-minded

Moldavite encourages open-mindedness for it neutralises your archaic belief system and expands your ability to perceive situations from several angles. Place Moldavite on your dinner table to be open minded during your dinner time discussions with your family and friends.

Rose quartz – Love

Rose Quartz is the crystal of unconditional love. Rose Quartz instils trust and forgiveness and encourages you to go beyond superficial connections to reach deep meaningful connections. Dinner time is a time to come together and eat, place Rose Quartz in your dining room to restores your family’s loving energy and to develop closer bonds with each other.   

Living room

Selenite – Energy clearing

Selenite is highly effective in clearing your energy field; it shifts stagnant energy and restores the flow.  You can also place Selenite in any of your environments to purify and clear energies within them. Place Selenite in your living room to enjoy relaxing within a room that has pure and happy energy.

Dalmatian jasper – Enjoyment

Dalmatian Jasper will ignite your playful side. The energy of Dalmatian Jasper particularly inspires laughter, a good sense of humour and the ability to see the funny side in situations. Place Dalmatian Jasper in your living room to be inspired to focus on fun and enjoyment.


Green aventurine – Breaking habits

Green aventurine can help you to release old patterns and behaviours by breaking any unconscious holds they have over you. It has a powerful driving force that will help you to break habits. Place Green Aventurine in your kitchen to stimulate healthy eating habits.

Black Tourmaline – EMF protection

The growing Electromagnetic fields (EMF) caused by mobiles, computers, and microwaves can lead to electrical sensitivity. Placing Black Tourmaline near them will help to shield you from the Electromagnetic radiation emitted by them. Place Black Tourmaline in your kitchen, particularly by your microwave to shield yourself from the pollution of the electrical devices.

Sardonyx – Self-discipline

Sardonyx promotes self-discipline. Sardonyx helps to reinforce your self-control, endurance and determination.  If you are lacking the discipline to carry out steps towards a healthy lifestyle, place Sardonyx in your kitchen to help you resist temptations. Sardonyx will help to prevent you from over-indulging.

Play room

 Lapis lazuli – Self-expression

Placing Lapis Lazuli in your play room will help you to express yourself through any method you are drawn to; this could be through fashion, art or dance. Lapis Lazuli’s ability to encourage you to self-express provides you with relief from things you have suppressed and allows for them to surface. Your self-expression may reveal talents you weren’t aware of.

Dalmatian Jasper – Enjoyment

Dalmatian Jasper encourages child-like playfulness and a wonderful inquisitive nature. It encourages you to have fun and attracts joyful energy into your life. Place Dalmatian Jasper in your play room to enjoy playing and to find joy in the little things.

Carnelian – Creativity

Carnelian is the perfect stone to get your creative juices flowing. Carnelian has vibrant energies which stimulate inspiration, motivation and passion. Place Carnelian in your play room to feel creative and discover hidden talents.

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