5 Best crystals to heal from heartbreak and breakups

Here are my top 5 crystals for mending a broken heart and healing after a break up.

Aquamarine – Letting go

Let go of the hurt and grief and let go of bitterness and resentment. Let go of the emotional trauma and baggage. Let go of the painful thoughts and feelings.

Stop going over it again and again in your head and just let go. Letting go is the first step to moving on and feeling better.

Malachite – Transformation

Transform your vibe; turn your low mood and low vibe to high vibe

Chances are you’re feeling pretty low, depressed and just generally feeling dark and negative. It’s time to start the transformation process. Use Malachite to transform your negative mindset and to shift your perspective.  

Rose quartz – Love

Be open to love again. It is easy to close yourself off through fear of hurting again but remember when you fall off your push bike as a child and hurt yourself, you don’t think I’m not getting back on it because I might hurt myself again. You dust yourself off and get back on. Love is the same, don’t let the hurt deter you from being open to love again. Radiate love and you will attract love back. Rose Quartz will help you to radiate a loving vibe.

Rhodochrosite – Self love

Love yourself to fill the void.  If you can love yourself, others can love you. If you can’t be kind to yourself, how can you expect others to be kind to you? So love yourself and set the example so that others treat you with the same amount of love. Use Rhodochrosite to help you cultivate more self love.

Citrine – Positivity

Citrine helps you to stop focusing on the negatives of your situation and inspires a positive attitude and outlook so you can allow yourself to be happy again. It’s so easy to enter a negative frame of mind after being hurt and you may have a tendency to think I’m never going to find anyone. This attitude will close you off and keep you in a state of lack. Use Citrine to uplift your spirit and be positive.

These are my best crystals for break ups from my experience. Remember time is a healer.

If you know someone who needs a helping hand, tag them in the comments.

There are so many crystals out there, so if you’ve got a recommendation, share it with us in the comments and let us help each other get through it.

If you’re going through a break up right now, and your struggling, connect with me, connect with us, we will support you, you’ve got this, and you can heal. I promise the dark days will be over soon.

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